Group of high school teens walking down school hallway

How to help your teen succeed in school

This is a virtual event

October 8, 2024

7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Online via NVCL Zoom


Event overview

Online event

October 8, 2024

7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Are you a parent looking to help your teen succeed in high school? Watching them navigate new routines, teachers, subjects and increased responsibilities can be overwhelming.

Join our online workshop, designed specifically for parents of high school students, to gain practical tips and strategies to support your teen's academic success.

In this workshop, we’ll cover:

  • Establishing effective routines and study habits: Learn how to help your teen create and maintain productive study routines.
  • Communicating with your teen about their academic challenges: Discover effective communication techniques to discuss school challenges with your teen.
  • Providing the right balance of support and independence: Find out how to support your teen while fostering their independence.
  • Collaborating with teachers to address issues early: Get tips on how to work with teachers to identify and resolve academic issues.
  • Managing stress and promoting a healthy school-life balance: Learn strategies to help your teen manage stress and maintain a balanced life.

Gain valuable insights and practical tools to create a supportive environment that empowers your teen to navigate high school with confidence.
Sign up for the workshop today and discover ways to better support your teen's journey through high school.

Meet Neesha Blajberg from Neesha B. Coaching & Educational Consulting, expert in supporting high school teens and parents. Neesha Blajberg brings over 28 years of experience as a high school educator and certified life coach, specializing in helping teens and their parents navigate the challenges of high school.

Her expertise includes:

  • Acceptance and commitment coaching (ACC);
  • Mindfulness for teens;
  • Self-compassion and values work;
  • Supporting neurodivergent students and students with disabilities.

As a parent of two teens, Neesha understands the unique challenges families face. Her goal is to provide practical strategies and compassionate guidance to help both parents and their teens successfully navigate the high school experience.

Through her workshops, Neesha offers valuable insights and tools tailored to each family’s needs, aiming to create a positive and empowering high school journey for students.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Special Education from UBC, as well as a Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Teaching from McGill University.

To learn more about Neesha’s qualifications and how she can help, please visit her website.

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